Many factors go into deciding where a family wants to live. Cost and ease of living are significant, but some families are also concerned about schools. Ladera Ranch is an excellent example of a community that has it all, but you may ask which high schools can I attend if I live in Ladera Ranch California?

Students may ask which high schools I can attend if I live in Ladera Ranch, California. Luckily, that answer is quite easy.

Which High Schools Can I Attend if I Live in Ladera Ranch, California?

Students may ask which high schools I can attend if I live in Ladera Ranch, California. Luckily, that answer is quite easy. We may think we can choose which schools we attend, but that’s not entirely true. Parents have options like private schools, boarding schools, or specialty schools.

However, public school students don’t necessarily get to choose which school they attend. Instead, where they live determines where they go to school. Public schools operate this way as a means to keep student populations at each school manageable. This is why we factor schools into our search for a new home or a place to call home.

Parents want to ensure their students are going to good schools. But first, we need to look at what the options are in your area. 

Which High Schools Can I Attend if I Live in Ladera Ranch, California Students in a Classroom with a Teacher Giving a Lecture

Which High Schools Can I Attend if I Live in Ladera Ranch California | San Juan Hills High School Boundaries

The way it works is simple; public school districts draw up boundaries for each school. Students who live within those boundaries will go to that school, and students who live outside of those boundaries will go to another school nearby. We can use San Juan Hills High School as an example.

San Juan Hills High is part of the Capistrano School District, which means the Capistrano School District draws up the boundaries. The boundaries take up a lot of Ladera Ranch, which means you will most likely attend San Juan HIlls if you live in Ladera Ranch. However, there is a line that is drawn, and it cuts Ladera Ranch almost in half at Roanoke Dr.

The boundary follows east along Windmill Ave. These boundaries make it easier to find the answer to which high schools I can attend if I live in Ladera Ranch, California.

Tesoro High School

Tesoro High School is the only other option in Ladera Ranch and is part of the Capistrano Schol District. We now know that the two public high schools in Ladera Ranch divide the community in half. San Juan Hills High School takes care of students south of Windmill Ave, which means Tesoro High School takes care of students north of Windmill Ave.

Students who live directly on the border of the boundaries can pick which school they attend. However, all other students will quickly know where they fit with boundaries as cut and dry as these. 

Which High Schools Can I Attend if I Live in Ladera Ranch, California Students in a Classroom Studying on Laptops

Varsity Driving School

Varsity Driving School is the best driving school for teens in Orange County. However, Varsity Driving School is not a part of any school district. This means that Varsity Driving School has no boundaries in Ladera Ranch. All students living in Ladera Ranch and all of Orange County can attend.

Varsity Driving School focuses on training students to drive defensively. Defensive driving is considered to be the safest driving technique available. Some schools charge extra for defensive driving, while others skip it altogether. This is part of what makes Varsity Driving School the best. You can learn more about Varsity Driving School in Ladera Ranch and then register and start classes today!