Teens cannot drive with any passengers under the age of 20 in California while they have a learner’s permit or a provisional license. The restrictions lift after 12 months of being licensed. However, teen drivers and passengers don’t always get along, even after the restriction period.

Teen Drivers and Passengers | Provisional License
There are statistics that show the dangers of teen drivers and passengers that could mean parents and teens need to come to an agreement. Teens should be proud of their accomplishment of getting a driver’s license as soon as they reach the age limit.
This is cause for celebration, however, don’t celebrate too long. Teens will get a provisional license first. A provisional license is a license that comes with restrictions the teen must follow to keep their license. These restrictions include things like no driving between 11 pm and 5 am or driving with passengers.
The passenger restriction is simple; teens cannot drive with anyone under the age of 20 years old without supervision. That supervision can come from anyone who is over the age of 25 with a driver’s license. These restrictions last for 12 months and are meant to provide the new teen driver with time to get used to driving.
However, there are actual statistics that show teen drivers and passengers don’t always mix.

The Studies
The most recent study has shown us a few different statistics that show us just how dangerous passengers are for teen drivers. The study looked at teen car crashes over the course of three years. They also looked at the number of miles teens have driven in order to calculate the risk.
The study also focused on teen drivers who are either 16 or 17 years old. Teens in California simply can’t get a driver’s license until they turn 16. But the results of the study are sobering.

Important Reminder
It is important to note one thing before teens start reading scary statistics. Driving is inherently dangerous, that is why we must attend a driving school in the first place. However, following the law and practicing can help lower the risks of driving. These statistics may be scary for teens and parents.
However, teens who follow the law and parents who help train their teens to drive can rest assured they are as safe as possible. Teens should be able to tell if they are ready for passengers or not. Just because a teen’s restrictions are lifted doesn’t mean they are ready.
Be ruthful with yourself and with your parents about your confidence in driving before adding passengers to the car.

Teen Drivers and Passengers Statistics
Teen drivers and passengers don’t mix very well because of the inexperience teen drivers have when they get a license. The risk of a deadly accident increases 44% when a new teen driver has a single passenger in the car under the age of 21.
That number doubles with 2 passengers under 21 and quadruples with three or more passengers. However, those number decrease by 62% when a passenger over the age of 35 is in the vehicle alongside the passengers under 21 years old.
Believe it or not, the risk has actually decreased over time. However, these statistics show us that passengers pose a real threat to the safety of everyone in the car with a new teen driver at the wheel.