The Irvine School District is made up of multiple schools that all have great reputations. Students in Irvine have access to these schools, one of which is Woodbridge High School. But there is some Woodbridge High School Irvine ranking information to know. Information that will help students and parents.

Woodbridge High School Irvine Ranking Information to Know
The Woodbridge High School Irvine ranking information to know can help parents and students make more informed decisions. There is an organization called Great Schools that pulls public information on schools and uses it to rank them. Some of the metrics used to form these rankings include the equity of the school, the environment it provides, and academics.
These things are considered to be important for the growth and education of teens throughout the country. They also represent the efforts of the teaching staff at the school. We can use this information to make better-informed decisions. Often, students go to the school that is closest to their homes.
Some schools won’t even let students attend their facility if they are too far away. This is why parents often use schools as one of the deciding factors in where they live. Of course, moving homes to attend a different school is only worth it if the school has a high enough ranking.

Woodbridge High School Academics Ranking
One piece of the Woodbridge High School Irvine ranking information to know is the academics of the school. Academics can be broken down into how many students are in advanced courses, how many have the credentials to get into college, and how many go on to graduate college.
Woodbridge High School students attend more advanced courses than the average schools in the US. The average is 6% of students in advanced math, 7% in advanced science, and 20% in other AP courses. Woodbridge High School has 16% of students in advanced math courses, 22% in advanced sciences, and 35% in other AP courses.
This means that more students at Woodbridge High School are succeeding enough to participate in advanced courses more often. This also means that college readiness is above average, and so is college success. These two things come in at 51% of students prepared for college, and 90% find success in college as well.

Woodbridge High School Equity
The world is filled with variations of life. It is important that students are surrounded by various people from various backgrounds to help prepare them for the world. But it is also important that all students be treated fairly, no matter their background. The equity of a school is determined by the success of those who may have a more difficult time learning.
Another piece of the Woodbridge High School Irvine ranking information to know is all about its equity. Woodbridge High School excels here as well. 71% of students who come from underserved communities or low-income backgrounds succeed at Woodbridge High School.
They are graduating from Woodbridge with the qualifications needed to get into college. In fact, 78% of those students have above-passing test scores.

Woodbridge High School Environment
The environment of a school is just as important as equity and for similar reasons. The last bit of Woodbridge High School Irvine ranking information to know focuses on the environment. It is worth pointing out again that the world is filled with various people from various backgrounds.
The more we can adapt and learn from each other, the better off we will be. Woodbridge High School can’t choose its environment, but we can take a look at the benefits students will have from each other. Woodbridge is 41% white, 35% Asian or Pacific Islander, 13% Hispanic, 8% two or more races, and 2% black.
While these numbers aren’t ideal, the school cannot control this aspect. However, the school can control how they teach all of these students. There is currently 1 teacher for every 24 students at Woodbridge High School, 1 counselor for every 449 students, and 92% of the teaching staff have more than 3 years of experience.
We may not be able to control the makeup of the school, but we can ensure that every student in attendance gets the attention they require to succeed. Every student at Woodbridge High School has access to Varsity Driving School’s award-winning driving school service. Register for classes today and get started today!