Irvine is a beautiful place to call home, but it is even better as a teen. There are so many things to do for teens in Irvine, and parents can rest knowing it is safe. But what makes Irvine even better are the high schools. The question is, which high schools can you attend in Irvine California?

The first thing to know about which high schools can you attend in Irvine California is the boundary idea. Each high school and school in general, is given a boundary they serve. The boundaries create a coverage area. You will be able to attend the high school that covers the area where you live.
For example, if you live between Culver Drive and Harvard Avenue you will attend Woodbridge High School. But you will attend Irvine High if you live near Irvine Valley College. The best way to discover which high school you will attend is to simply look at the map and find which one covers your area.

Which High Schools Can you Attend in Irvine California? Irvine High School
Knowing which high schools can you attend in Irvine California means knowing the high school boundaries. Irvine High School is the namesake school for students in Irvine. However, not all students in Irvine may attend Irvine High School. Students must live within the school’s boundaries to attend.
Luckily, there are enough high schools in the area to ensure every student has options. For example, the Irvine High School boundary follows along the 261 until it gets to Barranca Parkway. The boundary then goes down until Culver Drive and then heads east to Irvine Center Drive.
You can follow Irvine Center Drive to Sand Canyon Avenue and then to Trabuco Road. The boundary then follows west until Jeffrey Road. You can attend Irvine High School if you live within those boundaries.

Woodbridge High School
Woodbridge High School and Creekside High School have a unique situation. Most boundaries only have one high school option within them. However, these two high schools share coverage areas. That area is between Irvine Center Drive and the 405.
You can start drawing the line at the corner of Irvine Center Drive and Culver Drive. Head towards Sand Canyon Avenue from there and continue east until you hit the 5. Follow along the 5 until just before you hit Bake Parkway. This makes it easy from here because you can just follow along the 405 back to Culver Drive.

Which High Schools Can you Attend in Irvine California? Northwood High School
There are plenty of boundaries, in plenty of cities, for plenty of schools and all of them seem random. However, the boundary for Northwood High School is one of the more straightforward ones around. You simply start at the corner of the 5 and Jeffrey Road and go straight up until you hit the 241.
You only need to follow the border of Irvine West straight down Culver Drive. Follow the 5 until you end up back at Jeffrey Road. This is not only one of the more straightforward boundaries but one of the smallest in Orange County. Wonder which high schools you can attend in Irvine is easier to answer when you know the boundaries.
Portola High School
Portola High School has one of the largest coverage areas in the city of Irvine. In fact, it is also one of the more complicated ones. You will want to start at the corner of Jeffrey Road and Trabuco Road. Follow Jeffrey Road up to the 241 and then make a sharp turn along the Irvine border headed east.
Head south until you meet Irvine Blvd, and then head north along Trabuco Road. A second boundary area is given to Portola High School as well. This small boundary starts on Technology Road from the 5 and heads east. The boundary meets University High School’s boundary as well.

University High School
Want to know which high schools you can attend in Irvine California? The answer is University High School, most likely. This high school has the largest boundary in Irvine. The boundary follows the southern border of Irvine until the 405. Head northwest from there to McGaw.
Follow McGaw until Jamboree Road and keep going until you hit Alton Parkway. You can then follow Alton Parkway to Culver Drive. The boundary continues until you get just past the 133 where it meets Lake Forest.