Great Schools is a website that ranks high schools in a few different areas. These rankings culminate into one overall score. Portola High School Irvine CA’s rating and ranking can tell a lot about the school. In fact, it is a great tool for parents to use when deciding which private school in Irvine is for their students.

Portola High School Irvine CA Rating | Academics
Parents can use the Portola High School Irvine CA rating and ranking to make a more informed decision for their teens. Great Schools looks at specific aspects of a school and then ranks them based on student success in that area. Academics is one of those aspects, and it might be the most important one of them all.
Parents want to ensure their students are getting a good education. That is why looking at the academics of a school is so important. We can use things like college readiness, advanced courses, and test scores to see how well a school is doing with academics.
Portola High School scores a 10/10 for college readiness since more than 93% of students at Portola take and pass the SATs. Unfortunately, advanced courses are lacking at Portola, with fewer than 1% of students participating in advanced courses.
However, test scores are well above average in English and math, which gives them a 9/10 for test scores. Academics overall score is 9/10.

Portola High School Equity
Equity in private schools is often low. The goal is to see how diverse the student population is in terms of students with disabilities, underserved students, and low-income families. The Portola High School Irvine CA rating shows that the equity is low here as well.
However, 56% of students now come from low-income and underserved families. Still, that is not enough to give the school a higher score than 5/10. Equity is important because the world is diverse, and students need to be exposed to that idea as they grow and learn.
It helps students develop better social skills as well. Unfortunately, most private schools fall short of equity due to entrance fees and other costs.
Portola High School Irvine CA Rating | Environment
Equity is hard to find in private schools, but luckily, the environment is different and can make up for a lack of equity. The environment encompasses the details of the student body. For example, you will find that the environment covers race/nationality, sex, and teachers and staff.
Currently, 60% of students at Portola High School are Asian, 22% white, 8% Hispanic, and 4% two or more races. Parents will also find that 53% of students are male and 47% are female. However, what parents really care about is the teaching staff.
The Portola High School Irvine rating shows us that there are 24 students for every 1 teacher. 288 students per 1 counselor, and more than 69% of teachers have more than 3 years’ experience.

Portola High School and Varsity Driving School
Varsity Driving School is prepared to help students stay on the track of success they are on at Portola High School. Students can access a free pick-up and drop-off service for training sessions, online learning, and even the DMV package.
The DMV package is an add-on service that turns Varsity Driving School into the student’s personal DMV concierge. Students won’t need to worry about scheduling appointments, finding paperwork to fill out, or even getting to the final test at the DMV. In fact, students can use the training vehicle for the final driving test at the DMV.