San Clemente students must attend drivers ed to get a driver’s license. San Clemente drivers ed teaches students the basics of driving and driving techniques to ensure they pass the tests at the DMV. However, Varsity Driving School goes above and beyond to ensure students become safe drivers.

San Clemente Drivers Ed Online
Becoming a safe driver means attending the best San Clemente drivers ed which can be found at Varsity Driving School. The first step of drivers ed is to learn the basics. Varsity Driving School offers students the chance to learn the basics online. Online learning gives students a certain amount of freedom as it pertains to their lessons.
Students can create a username and password, log in, and complete as many lessons as they’d like. They can also save their progress and then log out. This allows students to create their own schedule and fit drivers ed into their busy schedules whenever they have time. Afterward, they will have what they need to take the written test at the DMV and then, start behind the wheel training.

Behind the Wheel Training
The most important step of San Clemente drivers ed is behind the wheel training. Students will get the chance to drive a vehicle under the supervision of a certified trainer. However, the DMV requires students to complete a total of 6 hours with a certified trainer. The rest of the training hours will need to be done with a parent or guardian over the age of 25.
The first training session with a certified trainer is when the learner’s permit will become valid. Students will then be able to drive with an adult over the age of 25. Each session will be dedicated to learning defensive driving.
Free Pick-Up and Drop Off
Schedules are the biggest enemy of drivers ed. Parents and students must find time in their busy schedules to fit drivers ed. However, parents are usually busier than teens, which means finding a ride to training sessions isn’t always easy. Varsity Driving School is the best San Clemente drivers ed, and students can expect the best.
The free pick-up and drop-off service is part of the best experience. Students can get picked up by a certified trainer from home, school, or work and start the training session immediately. Afterward, the trainer will drop the student off at home. This makes fitting training sessions into a busy lifestyle even easier.

DMV Package
Learning how to drive is not an easy task, it requires a lot of work and effort. But dealing with the DMV is not something teens and parents should be worried about. Varsity Driving School offers the DMV package as an add-on service. This package allows Varsity Driving School to make appointments for the student, provide them with necessary paperwork, and even pick them up and take them to the final test at the DMV.
In fact, students will get to use the training vehicle for the final exam. The goal is to remove as much stress from the process as possible. Removing that stress allows students to focus more on learning how to drive.