Finding the perfect parking spot can be challenging. The only open spot is between two cars; the only way you will fit is if you parallel park. Not everyone knows how to parallel park properly. But there are a few tricks to parallel parking steps that can help.

Parallel Parking Steps | What is Parallel Parking?
Knowing the right parallel parking steps can help you practice and become a pro at parking between two cars. We’ve all heard of parallel parking, but not many of us have had to use it. Parallel parking isn’t standard in residential areas and is far more common in cities.
Still, it is a parking method we should all know how to do and how to do it correctly. But we should know what parallel parking is before we start looking at parallel parking steps. Parallel parking is when you find an open parking spot that is situated between two cars.

However, it is not when you are parking in between two cars. Instead, you are parking in front of one car and behind another. Funny enough, it’s not called parallel parking because you have to be parallel to the car in front of the spot to get into the spot.
Instead, it’s called parallel parking because you’re parking facing the same direction as traffic. That means, technically, parking along any curb in California should be considered parallel parking.

Parallel Parking Steps
You need to get your car into position before you start parking. However, that also means you need to consider safety first. Get your car in position by aligning the hood of your car with the passenger-side view mirror of the car parked in front of the open spot.
This is when safety will come into play. You will want to put on your turning signal to let others know you plan on taking the space. You will need to check your blind spots and be sure that there are no cars coming your way before you start the next step.

Turn your steering wheel to the left and begin reversing into the spot. Continue reversing with the steering wheel turned to the left until the driver’s side view mirror is aligned with the bumper of the car in front of the spot. Once aligned, start to turn the steering wheel to the right.
Stop the car once it is fully in the spot. You can adjust forward and backward until you are satisfied with your parking.

Safety First
The most important tip for following the parallel parking steps is to always be mindful of your surroundings. You should be checking your mirrors regularly throughout the process. The front of your car will be turned out and into oncoming traffic, once you get started.
That means you will want to make sure there are no cars coming your way. The last thing we want to do is end up with our hoods being in the way of traffic. You also want to keep an eye on the car behind the spot as you will be reversing toward it at an angle.
You will want to make sure you don’t get too close too early; if you do, your car may not be small enough for the spot.

Signal for Parallel Parking
One of the parallel parking steps is to use your signal. Unfortunately, we don’t have a specific signal for parallel parking. Instead, you use your turning signal, your left turn signal. This will let others know that you are planning on going toward the left.
Any rational driver will be able to see the parking spot, see your car in position to take the spot, see the signal and put together what you plan to do. This step is important because you will need to stop with your car, mostly in the way of traffic.
Oncoming cars can easily go around you once you put on your signal.

Try Again
Driving a car gives us a sense of anonymity. That’s why people are so quick to turn to road rage; they feel like they can get away with acting terribly. But that anonymity goes away when we try to parallel park. Some people won’t even try to parallel park because they feel like everyone is watching them.
But it’s okay to make a mistake; just be sure it isn’t a mistake that causes damage to your car or the cars you’re trying to park between. You can restart if you get too close to the car behind you, in front of you, or even the curb.
Just get back into the starting position and try again. Eventually, this will become just another driving maneuver.