There are a few things people look for when picking a driving school. Price is always the first as many people feel like driving schools are all the same except for the price. That couldn’t be further from the truth. The course may be similar when learning the basics as the knowledge taught needs to be the same. But the level of service you get for your money is quite different. The best Laguna Beach driving school gives you the best learning experience and service. That school is Varsity Driving School. Varsity Driving School is the best Laguna Beach driving school for teens and for adults who want to learn how to drive confidently and safely.

Laguna Beach Driving School – Online Driving School
One of the ways that Varsity Driving School has become the best driving school in Laguna Beach is through online options. Students in Laguna Beach can take advantage of the online driving school in Orange County. Students will be able to create their own login info and then log in and out as they please. They will learn the basics of driving and the things they need to know to be a safe driver. The course also covers everything the DMV will require them to know and even be tested on. The beauty of online driving school is that you create your own schedule and learn at your own pace. The best part is you can learn from anywhere you have access to the internet.

Behind the Wheel Training
Behind the wheel training is the most important aspect of any Laguna Beach driving school. The DMV requires that teens go through 6 hours of training with a certified trainer. Varsity Driving School trainers are all certified and ready to help you through this step. You will use a top-rated vehicle for safety, be alone with a certified trainer in the car, and you will be able to practice everything you have learned. The reason you will be alone with a certified trainer during your training sessions is to create a safe environment. Some students like to show off in front of peers or may be too shy in front of them. Being alone with a certified trainer allows you to feel comfortable asking questions, making mistakes, and learning in your own way. But behind the wheel training gets even better at Varsity Driving School.
Free Pick-Up and Drop Off
Varsity Driving School wants to make things easier for students and their parents. Every student at Varsity Driving School will be able to utilize a free pick-up and drop off service. A certified trainer will pick you up in a training vehicle from home, work, or school. You will start the training session immediately and then be dropped off at home afterward. This helps make scheduling the training sessions even easier. There is no need to figure out matching schedules for parents and teens. Simply schedule each of the three sessions when you have time, knowing you will always have a ride to and from the session.

DMV Package
One-way Varsity Driving School has become the best Laguna Beach driving school is through packages. The packages vary from the standard requirements and beyond. For example, you can add more training hours if needed or take the online course as many times as you feel necessary. But the most popular package add on is the DMV package. The DMV package allows Varsity Driving School to become your concierge at the DMV. You will not need to worry about making appointments at the DMV, finding the right paperwork, or even getting to your final test. A certified trainer will be made available to pick you up and take you to the final test at the DMV in a training vehicle. You will even get to use the training vehicle for your test which makes taking the test that much easier. The goal of this package is to remove as much stress from the process as possible. This way, you can focus on learning how to drive instead of figuring out the DMV process on your own.