Varsity Driving School is the best teen driving school in Irvine. Students will learn more than the basics of driving. They will learn the driving techniques they can use to remain as safe as possible.

Best Teen Driving School in Irvine
The best teen driving school in Irvine is Varsity Driving School, where defensive driving is the standard for every student. Teens and parents or guardians all want the same thing: for teens to learn how to drive. Parents and guardians want to be able to quit their taxi driving days, while teens want that extra sense of freedom.
The only difference is that parents have the added concern over safety, while teens aren’t too worried about it. Luckily, the best driving school for teens in Irvine covers both concerns. The goal is to help teens learn how to drive and pass the tests at the DMV. But safety is the top priority, so Varsity Driving School trains students to drive defensively.
Students will get all of the knowledge and training they need to pass the DMV tests, but they will also learn how to drive safely and responsibly.

Defensive Driving School in Irvine
The best teen driving school in Irvine is Varsity Driving School, thanks to the defensive driver training. Defensive driving is a driving technique that is considered to be the safest around. The idea is to learn how to read the road and the cars around you to prepare for things that may happen.
For example, you can always tell a car is about to change lanes when it starts hovering to one side of the lane, even if it doesn’t use blinkers. Defensive driving helps us spot those little movements to make a defensive move that increases our safety. Unfortunately, not all schools train students in defensive driving.
Some charge extra for it, while others skip it altogether. Varsity Driving School includes it for every student.
Driver Training Vehicles
Safety is a top priority at Varsity Driving School. Student success is a very close second priority. Safety starts as soon as students start behind the wheel training sessions. Each training vehicle students use at Varsity Driving School has received top safety ratings. Driving is an inherently dangerous activity.
We can only control how we drive but can’t control how others drive. This is why having a vehicle with top safety ratings is very important. These ratings prove that the vehicle is fitted with safety features that help keep occupants of the vehicle safe during an accident.
These vehicles also have an extra brake pedal on the passenger side. This allows the certified instructor to stop the vehicle if necessary.

Certified Trainers
The best teen driving school in Irvine wouldn’t be the best without a great team of certified trainers. Varsity Driving School trainers are all certified, meaning they have put their skills to the test and passed. They are prepared to answer any driving questions teens may have to help them become safe drivers.
Training sessions at Varsity Driving School are one-on-one between the trainer and the student. The goal is to create an environment where teens can safely ask questions and learn how to drive. There will be no one in the backseat for them to worry about impressing or making laugh.
Instead, they can focus on learning how to drive safely and defensively. You can learn more about Varsity Driving School and register for classes today!